MRSV*SPACE has practical applications for our common spaces.

We have identified several customer segments we can offer support to:

  • Commercial Real Estate

  • Architecture / Construction Firms

  • Transportation Authorities

  • Urban Developers

Market Insights


Worldwide Commercial Construction Market Size (2023)

Link to source


Traditional public spaces lack character or appeal

  • Not inviting or engaging

  • Heavy use of advertising

  • Lacks user experience

  • Lacks shared experiences

  • Is generally forgettable


Enable tech to enhance connections not hinder it

  • Immersive experiences

  • Captivating dynamic content and environments

  • Inviting and interactive

  • Provides shared experiences

  • Very memorable

Use Case

We explore how MRSV*SPACE can elevate our common spaces

Elevating the Commute

The London municipal government and Transport for London (TFL) use the MRSV*SPACE platform to revolutionize the shared public space experience. They aim to infuse subway stations and commuter corridors with nature, warmth, and positivity to enhance moods, morale, and overall behavior.

Digital out-of-home (DOOH) displays in subway stations become immersive windows showcasing real-time scenes from exotic locations. These interactive environments, featuring changing weather conditions, times of day, immersive audio, and subtle aromas, deliver a 4D experience. This transformation directly impacts the mood of commuters and transportation staff alike.

Claire is commuting to work during rush hour and dreading the mad chaos at the station. Upon arriving at the subway station, she is enveloped by Fiji's sights, sounds, and scents. The usually ad-covered walls, columns, and ceilings have become virtual windows, transporting Claire to a tranquil Fijian island. This immersive experience instantly lifts Claire's spirits and improves her morale for the entire day. Her stress-free commute results in increased productivity, showcasing the powerful impact of MRSV*SPACE in creating positive and uplifting public spaces.

Image of commuter waiting for her subway
Image of commuter station tunnel with various digital displays using our platform
immersive interior space and common area
Forest room environment in public spaces for people to enjoy


Frequently Asked Questions

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What is MRSV*HERE?

MRSV*HERE is a vertical of the MRSV*SPACE platform dedicated to transforming common spaces with interactive immersive environments.

How does MRSV*SPACE enhance common spaces?

MRSV*SPACE enhances the architecture of common spaces by providing captivating dynamic environments that engage visitors, foster a sense of community, and create memorable shared experiences.

Our platform brings the physical space to life, adapting to the changing seasons, event themes, and being a creative outlet for artists.

Who benefits?

Commercial property owners, municipalities, event organizers, and community leaders seeking to revitalize public spaces and create positive environments for visitors.

The number one beneficiary is the community.

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